Tuesday, March 12, 2013

**FRAUD ALERT** Mandate Writer Swagata Dam "Tweaked" Robert Pattinson "Love Isn't For The Timid"

@LikeRocketsKR @SwagataDam You admit to changing the questions, so basically you admit to your article being one big joke.You now want people to read it… Response === ‏@SwagataDam @LikeRocketsKR People have already read it. My work’s done here. Thanks. ==== @Pattinson_AW @SwagataDam With this change you make people believe that he doesn’t contradict your assertion about his private life. Not very accurate Response === @SwagataDam:His answers have been published verbatim. ?’s might have been a li’l tweaked. Sorry 4 that. I need ppl 2 read.” === @SwagataDam: @UKRPFan He said no comments to that question. So I put the ‘define love’ answer there.” === Via === Click images below and read for yourself how she manufactured this so called interview. Silly!! That desperate for hits huh. Smh Source has since taken down her tweets of interview above.