Friday, June 1, 2012

NEW Pics Of Robert Pattinson & David:UK Apple Store Q&A #OkMagazine


Twitpics and instagrams: Source: @OK_Magazine Robert Pattinson and director David Cronenberg are chatting about Cosmopolis. #OKRPATTZ
Source: @OK_Magazine R-Pattz casually swigging some water. OMGAAAD! #OKRPATTZ
Source: @reallySpencer "Rob!"
Source:@OK_Magazine "Robert's says it's a great feeling to have been at Cannes." #OKRPATTZ
Source: @OK_Magazine "Omg, Robert Pattinson is clearly a nail biter. Bad habit, mr!" #OKRPATTZ
Source:@OK_Magazine "Robert Pattinson says 'English things aren't very good'. BOO!" #OKRPATTZ
Source: @OK_Magazine "R Pattz has never been more thirsty. Omg." #OKRPATTZ
Source: car8 “With #rpat and #cronenberg”
Source: rjbreslin “Robert Pattinson”
Source: sitamitabita “So that happened //cc: @amiesheree #davidcronenberg #robertpattinson”
Source: ginaaitchison12 “Can't believe I was this close!!! #robertpattinson #cosmopolis”