There's nothing like the open sea to clear your head, and Robert Pattinson certainly seemed to be doing that as he enjoyed a few hours of paddle-boarding off the Malibu coastline (March 27).
The actor threw on a wetsuit, grabbed his board, paddle and hit the surf in the warm California sun. ====
Considered one of the most attractive men in the world, this attention is nothing new to Robert, so the tranquility of the quiet ocean must come as a relief.
And the avid paddle-boarder seems to have improved since picking up the water-sport just under a year ago.
Looking more confident on the board then he did back in April, Robert cut a slick figure in his all-in-one wetsuit. ====
Dressed more snugly than his excursion last Easter, clearly the hot temperatures of Malibu are still suffering under the continuing winter spell as his home town.
Or maybe he’s still adjusting to the weather difference between LA and the heat of Australia after filming futuristic Western The Rover, co-starring Guy Pearce, Scoot McNairy and Nash Edgerton.
Either way the boy from Barnes seemed to enjoy the moment of solitude, adrift on the Pacific Ocean. ===
There is also a vid of Rob walking with his paddle board and in the water trying to catch some waves. If you thought the pap was on the beach taking the pics you're wrong. You can here the clicks and see how far away he is from Rob. Paps have very high powered zoom in lens now that can catch a celeb from miles away. Check out the vid HERE
Source ===
Sunday, March 31, 2013
**NEW PICS** Robert Pattinson Paddle-Boards In Tranquil Waters Of Malibu
Posted by Shani at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 30, 2013
**New Location/Start Date Details** Robert Pattinson's "Queen Of The Desert"
Up next for @divfilm, shooting Sept in Morocco:…
— Division Films (@DivFilm) March 22, 2013

Posted by Shani at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 29, 2013
*Fan Story* Robert Pattinson Saves Alligator From Old Vanity Fair Shoot
"Just thought I would share the rest of the story with you all… Well, we all know this picture right? I was visiting Insta-gator in Louisiana last weekend with some fellow twilighters and happened to spot it on the wall. I raced over to it and, although the pic doesn't show it clearly, the paper above the pic says that the alligator, appropriately named, Hollywood, lives at the ranch and that if you ask the tour guide, you can meet him!!!! I immediately went into stealth mode knocking people over trying to find the guide because anything that touched Rob, I MUST TOUCH! Anyway, finally found the guide, who we had nicknamed Marshmallow Man, because he fed the gators marshmallows and because he was hot, and he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about, all brawn no brains, I guess. He told us to go ask the short, red-headed guy. So I did, and do you know what he told me? He said, “Hollywood’s not here anymore. Rob paid to have him released back into the wild. It’s the only time we've ever done that.” Needless to say, tears started to form, not because I didn't get to meet the gator, but because our Rob is that sweet! I cried and love him even more if that’s possible! And that my friends, is the rest of the story.” == Source and via
Posted by Shani at 12:57 PM 0 comments
**NEW/OLD Pic** Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart At 2011 MTV Movie Awards
New/old Rob Kristen fan pic from MTV awards lolll look at their faces so cute lolll…
— dims ♔ (@DimsdeMerteuil) March 28, 2013

Posted by Shani at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 28, 2013
**New/Old Pic** Who Wants To Fly The Friendly Skies w/ Robert Pattinson
New/old pic of Rob on a plane!this…
— Robconda. (@DiorRob) March 28, 2013

Posted by Shani at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 24, 2013
**SPOTTED** Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Out Getting Candy Friday Night(3/22)
Source and Source and Via ====
"Give me a break...Give me a break...Break me off a piece of that Kitt Katt bar." HAHAHAAAAA...Rob eating my fav candy!!! DEAD!!! Update: Someone on my Twitter there's also a Twix candy bar too. Love that too! YUMMY!! Rob has great taste in candy. Chocolate + Rob covered in it cookie crumbs and all. *Licks*
Posted by Shani at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Robert Pattinson Wins "Favourite UK Actor" Kids Choice Awards UK
Posted by Shani at 3:23 PM 0 comments
"The Rover" Director Praises Robert Pattinson To "WHO"Magazine
With his buzz cut, bloodied face and bad teeth, Robert Pattinson’s latest style is a far cry from his Twilight character Edward Cullen.
The change is for new Australian film The Rover, which Pattinson, 26, is filming in South Australia. “He’s very smart,” director David Michôd told WHO, adding that it’s a long way from Hollywood. “It’s been one of the best experiences – to roam around and breath fresh air, but the flies are driving him crazy.” === Via
Posted by Shani at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Leslie Mann Jokes About Wanting Robert Pattinson In Her&Judd Apatow Movies
Do you get a say in who acts with you in Judd’s movies? Are you gonna team up with someone from "Twilight" as a love interest? ====
Yeah, I have this great idea for me and R. Patz! We're making out and... (laughing). No, everything is discussed with everyone who’s involved, but no, I’m not going to be having any love scenes with Robert Pattinson. Even though I think he’s really cute. That would be disgusting. ===
Posted by Shani at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Smiley Robert Pattinson w/Chef Brendon OBrien At "The Rover"Wrap Party
Winding down with Rob at "The Rover" wrap party…
— Brendon OBrien-Chef (@BrendonOBrien1) March 22, 2013

Posted by Shani at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 22, 2013
Martin Katz "MapsToTheStars"ProducerCalls It "AbsurdistComedy"+Huge Cosmoplis Publicity
RS: Fast forward 20 years and now you are making huge movies. After Spider there were a few and then A Dangerous Method and Cosmopolis with Robert Pattinson and this huge recent scandal [with Kristen Stewart]. ===
MK: I don’t know if it is a scandal. I think it was great for us and the movie that Rob was interested in making that type of move at this time. I think he is great in the movie and he will bring a new type of audience to David’s world. His relationship with Kristen is private, but the intense focus on it is bizarre. It’s a funny world. It brought us a lot of publicity for our US launch. We could not in a million years have bought that much publicity. I’m sorry it came at the expense of his personal life, but he’s a celebrity. ====
RS:What’s next for the ever evolving Martin Katz? ===
MK: I have two things that I am excited about. I am working on my fourth collaboration with David Cronenberg called Maps To The Stars. It is an absurdist comedy about the entertainment business. We hope to be able to work with many of the people we have worked with before including Rob Pattinson.
=== Source
Posted by Shani at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Laura Austin Details Of Robert Pattinson&Kristen"Officially Back Together” Pic
Oh the power of social media. What I thought to be a humorous Instagram & Twitter post, very quickly turned into a viral (that word is horrible I know) celebrity news story. For those of you who don’t pay attention to celebrity gossip… I shot a photo of my friend Lany Morrison with Twilight stars Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart since they happened to be hanging out at the same bar I was at with my friends on a Tuesday. Little did I know that photo was going to spread like wildfire across every entertainment media site around the world. =====
First of all, I have never even seen any of the Twilight movies… and I only recognized “Robsten” because you would have to be living under a rock to at least not know what they look like. With that being said, I definitely don’t pay attention to celebrity gossip. I didn’t know that these two were ever a couple… much less that they had been supposedly broken up and my photo was going to be the first proof in two months that they had even seen eachother in person. Had I known that there was so much media hype built around these two, I probably wouldn’t have even asked them if I could take a picture, with the fear of making them feel uncomfortable and skeptical of my intentions. I almost didn’t even post the image, thinking that it would be corny to blast out a “celebrity sighting”. However, after posting the photo I quickly realized how diehard their fan base is and in turn, how hungry the media was for any dirt on these two. It’s funny that I have been shooting photos for years and now my most publicized one is a blurry pic I took with an iPhone. =======
Within minutes the photo had been shared thousands of times on twitter, causing the tag “#robsten” to trend worldwide, and “liked” hundreds of times on Instagram. I was bombarded by tweets from fans asking me every little detail of what I saw, and e-mails & phone calls from every media outlet from People, to E!, to Perez Hilton, to US Weekly asking me the same questions. I had to turn all notifications off on my phone because I thought it was going to overheat from vibrating so much. Due to not wanting to cause drama and the Twitter character limit, I was vague in my answers giving responses like, “I just ran into them at a karaoke bar by my house… mellow night. They were just there hanging out with a few friends.” And avoided questions that I knew would just foster rumors like if Kristen was pregnant, or if there was any PDA going on. I responded to those saying that I wasn’t paying close enough attention to give an honest answer… because that was the truth. They were just normal people hanging out at a bar trying to enjoy themselves, I wasn’t going to be all googly-eyed watching their every move. Quickly my words were twisted and assumptions had been made that these two were “officially back together” just because they were posing in a picture together. ======
I feel weird having caused such a huge uproar in celebrity gossip, so to set the record straight this is exactly what I saw that night. My friend Lany spotted Robert & Kristen with two other friends (one guy one girl) while we were standing outside our small, local karaoke dive bar, Ye Rustic Inn. Lany is a fan so she told me she thought it would be cool to get a photo with them. Being a photographer and used to approaching people for photos, so I walked up to them and asked if I could take a photo of them with Lany using my iPhone. Kristen was enthusiastic about it, putting her arm around Lany and cracking a smile… however Robert wasn’t keen on the idea… jokingly trying to get me to take the photo with his back to the camera. Kristen told him to stop being an asshole and the result is the photo that spread like wildfire. After I shot the photo everyone headed into the bar and their group went straight into a booth in the back so they could have at least some privacy. From then on I mostly minded my own business. Occasionally I would glace over and their crew would be laughing or joking around with the bartender that was bringing drinks to their table… and their guy friend that was with them sang one karaoke song but “Robsten” never got on the mic. Once the bar closed around 2 everyone shuffled out and as I was biking home I saw their crew hanging around a truck talking, ready to leave to wherever they were going next. Yes they seemed to be enjoying eachother’s company, yes Kristen Stewart is capable of smiling, yes they were sitting next to eachother in a booth… but none of which is clear evidence that Robert and Kristen are “officially back together”… even if my friend Lany told press that she had her hand on his back. ======
I guess I’m writing this because the 24 hours of dealing with all the fans and media was basically an interesting social experiment to me… I got to sit front row at a circus and watch and be involved in the craziness that ensued. On one hand it was insane to see how obsessed fans were about every single detail on “Robsten”… seemingly living their lives vicariously through a celebrity. But on the other hand it was entertaining to see how the media will take the smallest little thing, basically create a back story off of limited information, and run with it just to stir the pot. Most of which didn’t even contact me for details, just basing the story and quotes around a few tweets I sent out. And in turn I watched all these hyper-fans eat up every little detail the media put out, and even imagine up their own more elaborate story of what happened that night based on the little information the media gave out. This unexpected “experience”, I guess you could call it, has given me a brief glance at what some celebrities have to deal with on a regular basis… and to be honest, it’s a little scary. ====== Source
Posted by Shani at 8:45 AM 0 comments
*NEW Vid* Robert Pattinson&Kristen Stewart Celebrates A Friend's Birthday(3/20)
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted celebrating a friend’s birthday in Santa Barbara last night, March 20. The couple was joined by Katy Perry for the party. Please don't blink because @O:04 seconds you will miss them. Hahaa
Posted by Shani at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Robert Pattinson &Kristen Stewart Flexin On Instagram Last Night w/Fan
Source: Poor @lanypoo was attacked by vampires last night. #creaturesofthenight #robertpattinson #kristenstewart #twilight #vampires
=== ENews fan account ===
Finally, order has returned to Los Feliz.
Robert Pattinson is back in the States after two months of filming in Australia and, last night, he and Kristen Stewart enjoyed a group date night at one of their favorite L.A. haunts, Ye Rustic Inn.
“They seemed really happy to be with each other,” an eyewitness to the reunion exclusively tells E! News.
“Rob and Kristen were having so much fun together,” the insider said. “They sat in the back of the bar in a booth and were laughing. At one point, they were standing at the bar and were just being normal, as any boyfriend and girlfriend would be with each other.
“They were touchy-feely. She was holding on to his jacket and had her hand on his back. They were just cute.”
And, thanks to Stewart, Pattinson didn’t end up being an a–hole.
Twilight author Stephenie Meyer calls Rob and Kristen’s fame “ironic and tragic”
“My friend is a photographer so she is not shy about going up to people and asking for photos, so she just asked them for one,” another fellow Ye Rustic Inn patron told us.
“Kristen was super nice,” she said. “She was like ‘You know how many times I get asked that, no problem’. Rob was a little bit more shy. [Stewart] was like, ‘Come over here, Rob, don’t be an a–hole.’ She was laughing and put her arm around me. He smiled and took the pic. She was super friendly.”
Later in the night, the lucky bargoer saw Robsten again outside. “At one point I was outside and they were playing around in the street,” she said. Stewart “and her friend were, like, racing. They were having a lot of fun.”
Reunited, and it feels so good.
Posted by Shani at 1:22 PM 0 comments
*NEW Exclusive Details* Robert Pattinson "Arty Topless Foursome" For Dior Ad Campaign
The screen star has acted out a FOURSOME with stunning models in a new advertising campaign — picking up £8million for his trouble.
R-Patz indulges in some “arty” bed-hopping for a new Dior men’s clothing campaign which will be appearing everywhere from May.
A Dior source revealed: “The advert is sexually explicit. It is pushing the boundaries of what you can get away with in advertising.
“Robert is topless for part of it and kissing one of the models with tongues. He really gets stuck in.
“There’s another scene where he takes part in a foursome in various states of undress, although it’s not clear whether those scenes will make the final cut.
“According to the people on set, he didn’t take much persuading to get into the role. He got stuck right in.” === Source: The Sun ==
Topless DiorRob sounds mmm..mmm...good! So why don't we take a look back at some yummy pics of Rob shirtless below. Hee hee!! There's MalibuBeachRob back in March 2012, BelAmi Rob, FakeAbsRob from New Moon and Cosmopolis Rob. ** BANG BANG POW** Dead and Done!!!
Posted by Shani at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
*3 NEW Fan Pics* Robert Pattinson In Australia Yesterday(3/18)
Posted by Shani at 8:41 PM 0 comments